Our Creed



SOBKOLT is a group of Queer BIPOC creatives from all walks of life, creating lifestyle products where a portion of the profits always go to charity.

We understand that raising your voice is tiring at times, and we would like to make that easier for both you and non-profit organisations that have been doing so for years.

That's why it's our mission to empower those organisations by amplifying their voices through visibility and funds. Armed with our tools, we believe you can kickstart conversations, protests or simply facilitate others that do so already. Ultimately resulting into a world of change, powered by you.

We love working with talented Queer, BIPOC, Femme, Asian, Latinx, Trans and all other marginalised groups. Because everything we do is made with love for the community, by the community. If you are a Queer creator that would like to work with us in any way, shape or form - contact us.